Fast & Accurate Insurance Verification for Urgent Care
AI-powered Insurance Discovery & Verification Increased Profitability Guaranteed!
tevixMD’s AI:
Instantly verifies patient eligibility, reducing wait times.
Completes and corrects patient information on-the-spot.
Identifies the correct payor(s) nationwide across all 50 states.
Calculates patient responsibility for immediate collection.
Enhances the patient experience with streamlined check-in.
Your Denial Rates will Decrease and Profitability will Increase. We Guarantee it!
The insurance verification process can be cumbersome in urgent care. Are you:
Experiencing delays in patient check-in due to slow insurance verification?
Facing high claim denial rates?
Struggling to identify the correct payor(s) efficiently?
Encountering patient dissatisfaction due to verification hassles?
Breeze Through Check-In with Reliable Eligibility Checks
Say goodbye to efficiency-killing verification delays. tevixMD’s AI accelerates the process with:
AI Data Accuracy: Fixes forgotten or outdated insurance info.
Instant Verification: Real-time eligibility checks.
Nationwide Insurance Discovery: No regional limitations.
COB: Identifies primary and secondary coverage.
Better Experience: Streamlined billing, higher patient satisfaction.
Use tevixMD as a standalone web application or easily integrate it into your current system.
Get started with tevixMD
Imagine a world where:
Forgotten or outdated insurance data is automatically corrected,
Eligibility verification is instant and reliable,
Patients trust you to get billing right.
With tevixMD, urgent care centers can achieve just that. Schedule a call or submit a test file to see how TevixMD can optimize your verification process.