How to Tackle 3 Insurance Discovery Challenges

Insurance Discovery Challenges

Is your Insurance Discovery Tool strong enough? If you’re having trouble locating coverage, writing-off too many patient bills and having staff manually running eligibility verifications, it might be time to look towards intelligent verification.  

Intelligent Verification takes your insurance discovery one step further by identifying which issues prevent submitting a claim and utilizes fresh data sources each time to find the corrections. You can easily tackle the above three challenges as this solution can search unlimited payers, verify coverage at the date of service (DOS), unlimited input file size for bulk processing, and is fully automated to help your staff save time. The advanced algorithms can support your timely filing needs to help your organization get paid faster.

By Samantha Fila

Client Success Manager, tevixMD


How Intelligent Verification is Disrupting the Status Quo of Claims Processing


The Evolution from Insurance Discovery to Intelligent Verification.